Prayer for Kindess

Father God,
I come to You humbly, asking that You please forgive my wrong actions, because they took me out of alignment with Your Will. Father forgive me for being less than the person You’ve called me to be. I want to be a worthy witness of Your goodness, mercy, and grace. I desire people to see my good works and give You all the glory. Please help me to do this and much more for Your Kingdom. Thank You for forgiving me for not being as kind-hearted as I should. Please open my eyes so that I can see the habit patterns and attitudes that cause me to dismiss the feelings of others, and to not show compassion and thoughtfulness when I should. Teach me to see others as You see them, so that I continue to deepen my heart for people. I desire to live by Your standard of kindness and not my own. Thank You for continuing to open my eyes to opportunities to sow seeds of good deeds, and thank You for giving me the agility and soundness of mind to run the race You have laid before me. I thank You for all Your many blessings, in the powerful name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.■

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