Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank you for blessing me throughout this week. I’m so awesomely thankful for Your provision. You bless us in so many ways, and we can’t possibly imagine them all. You keep the earth suspended in space and cause the sun to shine each day. All things come from You and all things were created by You. No detail is overlooked, for You cause all things to work together for the good of those that are called according to Your purpose. Thank You for taking care of our needs according to Your riches in glory. Thank You for forgiving my sins, and for forgiving all the things I have said, thought, felt, and done that were contrary to Your Word and Will. Please help me to be better so that I can be a greater blessing to Your Kingdom.

You have commanded us to let our lights shine within this earthly realm so that others can see our good works and glorify You. Please help me to bear the fruit of goodness so that I can reflect Your nature. Help me to walk in the example of Jesus Christ. Thank You for continuing to teach me Your Word through Your Holy Spirit. Please open my eyes and ears to the things I need to see and hear in order that I can be all You have called me to be. I desire to correct my errors, and I repent of my sins. Thank You for canceling the plots of the enemy that seek to destroy my destiny. Please help me to bear the Spirit’s fruit of goodness and to show others Your deep and abiding love at work in my life. Thank You for Jesus Christ, and thank You for the Holy Spirit. In the powerful name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen. ■

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